10 downing street|10 downing street in English


address of the home and office of the British prime ministe

Use "10 downing street|10 downing street" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "10 downing street|10 downing street" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "10 downing street|10 downing street", or refer to the context using the word "10 downing street|10 downing street" in the English Dictionary.

1. 17 The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.

2. What a contrast with the rattled and untrustworthy gamblers at Number 10 and Number 11 Downing Street.

3. 27 Downing Street has so far refused to comment on these reports.

4. Unusually for Downing Street, there were no actual rats scuttling by.

5. Downing Street announced that the Prime Minister intended to fulfil his longstanding pledge.

6. 'Downing Street' is used as a metonym for the Government of the United Kingdom.

7. 13 The letter provided further evidence of the widening schism between the church and Downing Street.

8. 19 Roll the die, answer a question and move up the greasy pole to Downing Street.

9. But the more Downing Street protests, the greater the suspicion that Major is jittery about US-UK relations.

10. As the rest of the tawdry tale emerged the Foreign Office and Downing Street lapsed into embarrassed silence.

11. He was charged with abducting a taxi driver and forcing him to drive a bomb to Downing Street.

12. In September 2012, Freya shared the role of Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office with the Downing Street cat Larry.

13. Larry is a rescued stray cat from the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home who was chosen by Downing Street staff.

14. The Abbot Downing business was …

15. Street Juice Baddies, News 10 Comments

16. Greenpeace climate campaigners and Sipson village resident Linda McCutcheon presented Airplot's legal Deed of Trust at 10 Downing Street this morning, to say thank you to the new Cameron/Clegg government following its move to officially scrap Heathrow

17. 10 West Main Street Brocton, NY, 14716

18. The Abbot Downing brand was introduced by Wells Fargo 10 years ago, following the merging of two legacy family office businesses

19. The UK project is led by policy wonk David Halpern, a key part of Cameron's Downing Street brain trust and head of the Behavioural Insight Team.

20. His last known domicile was 10 New Street, Cambridge.

21. 10 There were crowds of shoppers in the street.

22. Families Bereaved by Covid-19 have warned Downing Street they will start legal action against the government after Easter unless Boris Johnson urgently launches a statutory public inquiry into …

23. I am 10-13 at 155 Warren Street, rear entrance.

24. Campbell, a teetotaller, also discloses in today's extracts that the pressure of working in Downing Street became so great that he started drinking again around the turn of the millennium.

25. 1 day ago · Instead (in keeping with the Boosterish levelling up now all the rage in Downing Street), it energetically seeks something to blame that can be remedied